Tuesday 10 March 2009


That last post actually made me die a little inside, the majority was about Resident Evil... lol
Oh well, i'll try and post something more meaningful next time.


Wow, it's been a long time since i wrote on here!
So much has happened since i arrived at uni, and i can't believe it's all over in a few months.
I think i'll miss it here but it'll be good to be home and see the faces again.
I have one more minor assignment to do then i get a nice 6 weeks before i have to hand in my majors... joy.

I swear it's gotten more boring here though, no one seems to go out because everyone's strapped for cash and stressing about exams and essays or illness...

Meh I have Street Fighter IV to keep me entertained and Resi 5 on thursday/friday whenever it arrives- a bit unsure if i'm going to love it or hate it. I mean 4 was amazing, but if they've jusr recycled it into some butchered HD version it's going to be a bit of a disappointment. The demo was fair enough but i just don't think it gripped me like other Resi games. I remember playing the original demo on the PSone for Resi 2. Sure it was timed but it was fun! I used to play it just to see how far i could get, usually i'd get somewhere inside the police station and it would end but it was all good and atmospheric and all that. Maybe the zombies did look like shambling blocks of colour but it was still amazing.

Anyway, best get on with my essay, it's in tomorrow!