Wednesday 25 June 2008


Okay, rant begins in 5, 4, 3, 2, now.
What is it with game developers and europe? Honestly the US and japan have no love whatsover for this region seriously.

First, a game i both love and hate, hate becuase of euro disease.

TWISTED METAL: BLACK. Amazing game... with ALL of the story taken out, that was the best part! Seeing the story behind each driver then finding out what their wish was, gave the game replay value, now it's just... empty? Why was this? "The stoylines were too grewsome and graphic". And what Manhunt revolves around fluffy bunnies eating jelly and ice cream?! And now eurpoe gets stiffed yet again with TWISTED METAL HEAD ON EXTRA TWISTED EDITION. Which has a million and one extras in it from the unreleased BLACK 2 and TWISTED METAL 1. Can't you just release them in the UK uncut at least? God dammit i bet it was Germany wasn't it.

Most developers seem to assume that a game is too quirky to sell well here, like KATAMARI DAMACY, another amazing game, crazy as hell though. What happened to all of the previous Dragon Quest Games that were released in the US huh?

Oh yeh what was the other thing...?

I get so annoyed at americans complaining that they have to pay $30-$40 for a new game, thats like £15-£20 here! Everything costs double becuase of the usual euro tax (everything costs more) That ROCK BAND game? £180 for all the stuff and the game, thats insane! "It's because we have to put it in at least 6 different languages" NO YOU DAMN WELL DON'T! UK and USA speak roughly the same language, give it to us cheap, let the rest of europe deal with the other languages...

Anyway i would go on for longer but i'll just get more annoyed. Seriously
show some love for the UK!

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Flibbety Gibbet logo

I really need to update this logo, it was fine when i was bored, but now i think it needs to look a bit more... well less coloured by hand. I'll ink it and stuff, but colouring always seems to look better when done on a computer. I'm lacking inspiration at the moment, but i'm sure i'll think of something. Something a bit better than "I live in an orange box complete with oranges".

Food preservation is a hard task.

Cling film is not my friend... dammit all i wanted to do was cover some salad so it didn't dry out and become evil (yes things in my fridge do turn to the dark side when left uncovered) and it turned into a full length escapade!
A not-so-dramatic duel to the death.

Well it's covered now, and the roll of cling film is now cowering in defeat, it's box ripped and tube mangled.

wow... my first post and it's about cling film, an omen of things to come?